Wednesday, March 5, 2014

David Macdowell

David MacDowell is not the worlds most famous pop surrealists but he should be remembered as one of the greats.  His work centers areoun makeing light of popular culture, shokingly reexposing us to the way we have been desensitized by the mass media. It's a general critisism of america's gluttony and excess. and often includes critiques of social leader, movements or celebritys. It uses pop culture as a tool to communicate to the masses. the work however is not simply political but adresses themes moral ambiguitys within contemporary culture as well as themes the artists seems to have a solid stance upon. Celebritys like mythilogical charictars can represent an idea or theme, real person, group of people or all the above. In some ways he makes celebritys the new mythology of america in the way that he uses them so allegorically. The work often ridiculization of those in power,  as well as the mind control techniques used my marketing that make us continue  to consume. He often mentions a void within the soul that humans are trying to fill in his video and believes that consumer culture doesn't do anything to fill it. While this all sounds somewhat cliche, I found the work fresh, thought provoking, and interesting, overall I  really enjoyed the work, and look forward to seeing one of his actual exhibits in LA soon!

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