Thursday, March 13, 2014


Geliographic is not a single artist but rather a group of illustrators living in Moscow, Russia. Their work is largely commission based, but they also have a collection of private artwork.  Using classical techniques they have created some of the most beautiful and interesting artwork I have ever seen. My absolute favorite are the still life paintings. Using old master style renaissance techniques, the artists created still life's with food but also weapons. Each one seems to represent an individual country as represented by is dishes. The work is strikingly original, and the rendering and color work is just to die for. The color palette is neither overly bright nor overly muted, and the dewy idealistic fruits are obviously a product of masterful glazing by oil virtuoso's. One of the most impressive and interesting  things about it, is that all the paintings were painted by different painters, but because they are all using the exact same painting methodology, the paintings look like they are all done by the same artists. Ooh if only I spoke Russian, perhaps I can find a translator, I would love to tell you  exactly how it was done!!!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Jazzberry Blue

Jazzberry Blue is a self-taught artist living in Toronto Canada. I especially enjoy his travel paintings and he even has one from my favorite movie Dune, Featuring the Planet Arrakis. His hard edge painting feels graphic without being lifeless and his work is both political and often strikes an emotional tone. The use of composition is superb as he creates interest using only simple sillohettes and good color schemes. His choice of color tends to range from 1970's retro (which was mainly a brighter version of earthy colors and that dug heavily into brown, yellow and orange) to a more contemporary palette that utalizes brighter colors contrasted with shades of grey. In both cases there is a strong visual contrast between neutrals and bright colors ensuring visual interest. He also has a wide selection of t-shirts and tank tops. I think we can guess what's in my shopping cart.

Time Square Art Print

Arrakis Travel Poster (vintage version) Unisex Tank Top

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

David Delamare

David Delamare is a surreal and fantasy artist living in Portland Oregan. I've been collecting his work since childhood. His fantasy art is unique in that it feels so real and so fantastic at the same time. It is unique in that his artwork lacks the for lack of a better word "nerdyness" that a lot of fantasy artwork posesses and instead it feels whimiscal, romantic, theatrical, and more like part of a fairytale than a cheesy dungeons and dragons campain. His skill as a painter and image based storyteller brings delight to both the adult artist and the child within. His brushwork is tight yet painterly, and it is actually the presence of Delamares hand that brings the painting to perfection. His understanding of light is outstanding and he constantly uses it to his advantage, especially in designing his color palette and his works are both the result of masterful lighting and exceptional color choice. His new steampunk style artworks are not to be missed, and he has a delightful and expansive collection of mermaids, fairies, and storybook charecters to be enjoyed by all who would like to retern to that childplace to wonder, imagination, and magic.

See More Amazing Images at

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

David Macdowell

David MacDowell is not the worlds most famous pop surrealists but he should be remembered as one of the greats.  His work centers areoun makeing light of popular culture, shokingly reexposing us to the way we have been desensitized by the mass media. It's a general critisism of america's gluttony and excess. and often includes critiques of social leader, movements or celebritys. It uses pop culture as a tool to communicate to the masses. the work however is not simply political but adresses themes moral ambiguitys within contemporary culture as well as themes the artists seems to have a solid stance upon. Celebritys like mythilogical charictars can represent an idea or theme, real person, group of people or all the above. In some ways he makes celebritys the new mythology of america in the way that he uses them so allegorically. The work often ridiculization of those in power,  as well as the mind control techniques used my marketing that make us continue  to consume. He often mentions a void within the soul that humans are trying to fill in his video and believes that consumer culture doesn't do anything to fill it. While this all sounds somewhat cliche, I found the work fresh, thought provoking, and interesting, overall I  really enjoyed the work, and look forward to seeing one of his actual exhibits in LA soon!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Anika Fergason

Check out the Amazing art of Anika Fergason. Taking from cubist influences as well as a dedication to the study of movement this artist has managed to freate a world of fantastic flowing peices that capture passion movement and spirit in one swirling whirlwind.

Anika Ferguson - Red Guitar

Anika Ferguson - Flamenco Dancer

Anika Ferguson - Blue Dancers

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Laura Shodire

Laura Shodire is an accomplished visual artist, singer, poet and model in the Los Angeles Area. She is passionate about the art's and lives a life of constant creation. She has the most detailed work I have ever seen in my level. I am confident that with the right marketing skills one day her work will one day become extremely expensive which is why I have already invested in it, not to sell of coarse but because I have to get it while I can!  She is one of my absolute favorite artists. She is nothing short of one of those rare miracle geniuses of the arts excelling in multiple areas, and at a very young age has already reached an extremely advanced level of art making. She uses Sharpie Micron pens on drawing paper, and her work often focuses on themes that are mythological and as tyical of greek myths represent much larger allegorical themes deeply rooted in psychology. This Large piece "Veritas" is inspired by the story of how Veritas the Adolesent Daughter of virtue  ends up hiding in a well, because she is tired of constantly being sought after by knowledge seekers, and wants to be alone. She gets stuck down there at the bottom where she is entertained by the Godess Vice who keeps her company at the bottom of the well, but is not always the best influence. Eventually her mother comes finds her and carries Veritas out of the well!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Patrick Valenza




Welcome To My Blogge

A little bit about me. I'm a 24 year old future teacher. I enjoy making art, cooking, hiking, and film. I decided to start this art history blog to help you...and me (ironicly) learn about cool underground ( and a couple favorite famous) visual artists from all over the world. I'll post a new artist of the day everyday and am looking forward to gathering some avid readers. 

Artist of the Day: Patrick Valenza 

Patrick is known for his amazing Deviant moon Tarot Deck. Even if your not into Tarot, the artwork on this is an incredible mix of technical precision, imaginative innovation, vivid storytelling and dramatic flair. These surreal tarot cards feature charactures both beautiful and grotesque, seemingly mythic yet oddly human. The card take influence from the classical renaissance period, both in technique, and also because of the periods ties to Tarot.  I have seen a lot of artwork, and would bestow upon this the rare and precious label  this as truley original and unique Artwork. You can buy Mr. Valenza's Artwork at please Check it out, it is definatly worth seeing!